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Regina's bio

Regina has 25 years experience project managing the delivery of complex engineering consultancy services and solutions to Europe’s high-tech space and satellite manufacturing base.

With overall responsibility for the development, direction and delivery of the business since 1995, Regina has succeeded to build a reputation that is highly regarded across the sectors’ Prime & Sub-Prime industrial partners, earning recognition for succeeding to become one of Ireland’s leading “supply partners-of-choice” in the domain of PAQA & RAMS engineering services support to Europe’s science satellite Clients.

Garnering many accolades for the business, a highlight of which was the opportunity to lead the PAQA & RAMS engineering delivery team supporting one of the most advanced cornerstone science missions undertaken at the time; the award for “outstanding contribution to the GAIA mission” was presented to Regina by the Customer’s Programme Management following the successful launch.

Whether through a managed consultancy services offering in the core technical competencies of PAQA, EMC, System Engineering and AIT or through engineering recruitment solutions tailored to compliment the Clients’ in-house engineering skills base; Regina is extremely proud of the enduring success of the business underpinned by a team of dedicated engineers, consultants and associates providing the highest standards of engineering know-how and knowledge transfer to our Clients and in turn their Commercial Customers and Government Agencies.

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