PAQA - RAMS Support

Client – Prime Contractor Galileo FOC Navigational Satellites

Technology – Navigation Satellite Systems

Activity  -   Involved in all aspects of the Galileo FOC Satellite Systems RAMS Synthesis and Analyses for the Platform, as a major Subsystem and Payload from PDR, CDR to QAR in an ambitious time compressed project schedule.  Support was provided across a multi-site industrial consortium including Germany, Holland & UK while being responsible for all Equipment FMECA and Reliability Analysis management of Sub-Co’s and the building of the full FOC Satellite FMECA, Reliability Analyses, FTA (considering complex Integrity, Continuity and Availability Requirements) and major contributions to the System Safety Analyses and Procedures.

Results/Outcomes - Unifying FMECA and Common Mode & Common Cause Failure Analysis (CM&CC_FA) plus co-analyses across all 6 SAT Subsystems (Platform & Payload), including many Equipments, to ensure a common and consistent hierarchical approach to the FMECA CM&CC_FA and co-analyses.


Client – Prime Contractor Galileo FOC Navigational Satellites  

Technology – Navigation Satellite Systems 

Activity  -   Involved in all aspects of the Galileo FOC Satellite Systems RAMS Synthesis and Analyses for the Platform, as a major Subsystem and Payload from PDR, CDR to QAR in an ambitious time compressed project schedule.  Support was provided across a multi-site industrial consortium including Germany, Holland & UK while being responsible for all Equipment FMECA and Reliability Analysis management of Sub-Cos and the building of the full FOC Satellite FMECA, Reliability Analyses, FTA (considering complex Integrity, Continuity and Availability Requirements) and major contributions to the System Safety Analyses and Procedures. 

Results/Outcomes - Unifying FMECA and Common Mode & Common Cause Failure Analysis (CM&CC_FA) plus co-analyses across all 6 SAT Subsystems (Platform & Payload), including many Equipments, to ensure a common and consistent hierarchical approach to the FMECA CM&CC_FA and co-analyses 


Client – European Prime Contractor

Technology – EXOMARS 2020 Project

Activity – Supporting the EXOMARS 2020 RAMS Analyses over the whole set of Phase A, B, C, PDR, CDR.  This included Dependability Assessment: FMECA conducted for all Subsystems, involving Sub-Co’s and OHB, with all results built into the OHB final FMECA.  Reliability Analyses, considering: Synthesis and Apportionment of Reliability to redundant structures and creation of co-Requirements.  Application of results to the various Subsystems, taking into account high level Redundancy Apportionment.  Subsequently, Subsystem RBD build involving Sub-Co contributions and OHB, into final System RBD OHB,  Reliability Analyses, involving Sub-Co’s and OHB, with all built into the OHB final Reliability Analysis. 

Results/Outcomes - Contributions to Systems and Operations Hazard Analysis, FDIR/HSIA Analysis Inputs,  Micro-Meteorite Analysis provided to the System for incorporation into full EXOMARS Carrier and Payload RAMS Analyses.



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