Technology – Navigation Satellite Systems
Activity - Involved in all aspects of the Galileo FOC Satellite Systems RAMS Synthesis and Analyses for the Platform, as a major Subsystem and Payload from PDR, CDR to QAR in an ambitious time compressed project schedule. Support was provided across a multi-site industrial consortium including Germany, Holland & UK while being responsible for all Equipment FMECA and Reliability Analysis management of Sub-Co’s and the building of the full FOC Satellite FMECA, Reliability Analyses, FTA (considering complex Integrity, Continuity and Availability Requirements) and major contributions to the System Safety Analyses and Procedures.
Results/Outcomes - Unifying FMECA and Common Mode & Common Cause Failure Analysis (CM&CC_FA) plus co-analyses across all 6 SAT Subsystems (Platform & Payload), including many Equipments, to ensure a common and consistent hierarchical approach to the FMECA CM&CC_FA and co-analyses.
Technology – Navigation Satellite Systems
Activity - Involved in all aspects of the Galileo FOC Satellite Systems RAMS Synthesis and Analyses for the Platform, as a major Subsystem and Payload from PDR, CDR to QAR in an ambitious time compressed project schedule. Support was provided across a multi-site industrial consortium including Germany, Holland & UK while being responsible for all Equipment FMECA and Reliability Analysis management of Sub-Co’s and the building of the full FOC Satellite FMECA, Reliability Analyses, FTA (considering complex Integrity, Continuity and Availability Requirements) and major contributions to the System Safety Analyses and Procedures.
Results/Outcomes - Unifying FMECA and Common Mode & Common Cause Failure Analysis (CM&CC_FA) plus co-analyses across all 6 SAT Subsystems (Platform & Payload), including many Equipments, to ensure a common and consistent hierarchical approach to the FMECA CM&CC_FA and co-analyses.
Technology – EXOMARS 2020 Project
Activity – Supporting the EXOMARS 2020 RAMS Analyses over the whole set of Phase A, B, C, PDR, CDR. This included Dependability Assessment: FMECA conducted for all Subsystems, involving Sub-Co’s and OHB, with all results built into the OHB final FMECA. Reliability Analyses, considering: Synthesis and Apportionment of Reliability to redundant structures and creation of co-Requirements. Application of results to the various Subsystems, taking into account high level Redundancy Apportionment. Subsequently, Subsystem RBD build involving Sub-Co contributions and OHB, into final System RBD OHB, Reliability Analyses, involving Sub-Co’s and OHB, with all built into the OHB final Reliability Analysis.
Results/Outcomes - Contributions to Systems and Operations Hazard Analysis, FDIR/HSIA Analysis Inputs, Micro-Meteorite Analysis provided to the System for incorporation into full EXOMARS Carrier and Payload RAMS Analyses.