PAQA - PA Support

Client: European Subsidiary of US Spacecraft Propulsion Supplier

Technology:  Propulsion /Chemical & Ion Thrusters

Activities: Providing Product Assurance Management under the ESA Artes 5kW HET ion thruster programme, including transfer of design from USA to local UK manufacturer based in Belfast.

Results/Outcomes: Selection of the sub-tier suppliers leading to the creation of all necessary documentation for Customer (ESA) reviews at PQSR, PDR, CDR and preparation of qualification model test.  Training and mentoring in PA disciplines was also provided to the Client’s in-house engineering team.


Client: Sub-Contractor for Space Hardware

Technology: Small-cell Li-ion batteries for spacecraft.

Activities:  Providing Product Assurance management for batteries for ESA spacecraft Proba-3 and JUICE.  This included the full range of tasks defined according to ECSS-Q-ST-10C and the subsidiary ECSS-Q-Standards.

Results/Outcomes: Working closely with the missions and system Primes as well as ESA to ensure all open issues were priorities and delivery commitments could be met to minimise overall schedule delays.


Photo Credit: ESA. Note: This does not represent endorsement by ESA


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